Sunday, March 17, 2019

Production Company Logo!

Very Exciting news! My group has finalized the design for our production company logo! Here is a picture of it:

We decided to go for this logo because we wanted it to represent all of us in some way and each of the letters is the initials of our first names: G- Gabe E- Elly (me!) E- Eugenia R- Rhea. Not only does it accomplish subtly incorporating some of our personality into our film but it also sounds like the words "Gear" hence the G being shaped as a Gear.

I think the idea for it was very creative and the execution of it also looks very professional. I feel the "Gear" is also a representation of how well we work together almost like we were a machine! I am very excited to see how our opening scene ends up looking like! :)

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I have reached the end of the line and it is time to reflect! I went through a lot of ups and downs in the midst of creating this short film...