Monday, March 4, 2019

What is OCD?

I figured that if we are going to portray a character with OCD it would be vital to our film opening to research every aspect of it to make certain we are portraying our character accurately and clearly to our viewers. So I decided to find out about the disorder. In this way, my team and I will be better equipped in the story boarding process as well as the Directing aspect of our project.


(according to google medical information- supported by Mayo Clinic and other institutions)

More about OCD:

OCD I found was a disorder that could interfere with many if not all aspects of life such as a person's work, education, family, and social life. As previously mentioned through the image above people with OCD experience compulsive behavior. I found some common examples of this behavior to be excessive cleaning, precise arrangements of things, repeated checking on things like the oven, and compulsive counting. 

In addition to this, I found some common examples of obsessions within people with OCD. These included fear of germs, unwanted taboo thoughts of things such as religion or self-harm, aggressive thoughts, and having things in a symmetrical or perfect order.

Overall people diagnosed with OCD take part in compulsive and obsessive behavior. Yet, in addition to this several of them also have a tic disorder. Examples of tics include motor tics such as repetitive movement, or vocal tics such as repetitive grunting sounds. 

Common misconceptions:

In addition to all this, I found that some people often consider OCD to be anyone with these obsessions or compulsions. However, the truth is that while several people have these habits only those with OCD experience them in an unconscious way they can not control. People with this disorder also spend up to an hour a day dwelling on their thoughts and behaviors. Lastly, they don't gain pleasure from their actions, while they do experience relief from the anxiety that their thoughts cause, it does not bring them pleasure.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Mental Health. (2016). NIMH Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Retrieved from

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I have reached the end of the line and it is time to reflect! I went through a lot of ups and downs in the midst of creating this short film...