Saturday, March 28, 2020

5 films about technology

So today I watched yet another short film! My teacher recommended I watch "5 films about technology". It is very straight forward as it literally is 5 mini-stories that include technology as the main culprit for the conflict. I think the main thing I learned from watching this was really that you do not need to go all out to make a successful piece. I think Peter Huang did an excellent job of just making the most simple and mundane things in our lives into an enjoyable piece of art.

One of the things I thought was very interesting about the short film was the aspect ratio. The entire short film is seen in the square format. At first, I thought it was a very odd choice until I realized it was genius. It is a very simple yet subliminal reference to humanity's reliance on technology. Since many of us use our phones too much he made sure it was easy to watch on a phone by making it square.

I also really liked how each story connected to the next. While each story had a different focus point and comedic effect, each one had to occur before the next in order for the next story to happen. The abrupt stop between each film I also thought added comedic effect as I feel it left the viewer laughing and excited to see what was next. There was no excess film or unnecessary parts that were shown. It was all short and simple and achieved the purpose of just making the audience laugh.

I think what I need to take from this is that whatever my idea maybe it does not have to be a dramatic analysis of the society that we live in. It could just be a portrayal of something that we can all, unfortunately, relate to, as long as it produces a reaction or thought. Because in the end, I feel like that is what makes a film good. If it doesn't make you think, or it doesn't make you laugh, or if it doesn't make you feel SOMETHING then it didn't achieve its purpose.

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I have reached the end of the line and it is time to reflect! I went through a lot of ups and downs in the midst of creating this short film...