My group and I finally figured out what we want to do for our opening today! This has honestly been a major stress on all of us because without finding our idea it was hard to start planning or guide our research. However, this was very difficult due to the fact that there are four people in our group and it was hard to find an idea that we all agreed on and would be excited about. In order to work around this problem, we decided to put our heads together and just write it all out.
We decided to think of a couple of genres/ sub-genres or just general groups of movies that we were all interested in and were able to narrow it down to the four seen above. We definitely knew it had to be something along the lines of Drama so most of the sub-genres if not all that we wrote down fell under this. By looking at examples of movies within each group we noticed that some of them fit in more than one of the genre/ groups that we picked. For example, Gone girl fell under mystery but was also a movie that could go under the psychological group. By finding the movies we were influenced by we found that we were attracted to a film that was psychological yet also had features of a thriller.
We then ended up ruling out some of the choices out based on our available resources and their originality. We knew that if we did a film that was based in another era it would be difficult to shoot in a normal setting and there would need to pay extreme attention to the mise en scène aspect of production. While we will still play extreme attention to detail, we did not want to have an idea that was out of our reach. It then got narrowed down to a group of movies we described as "psychological" where the main character has some sort of psychological tendency and the overall vibe of the movie is not necessarily horror but similar to that of a thriller.
We ended up bringing it down to a story focused on a guy with OCD also known as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder who is forcibly taken out of his comfortable environment. Then we decided we would focus on how it affects him and drives him almost to the brink of insanity. We still need to refine the idea and make sure it is what we want to settle on but I'm relieved we narrowed it down!
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