Good idea- execution needs work
So today I met with individuals from different groups and talked about my idea and what my group was thinking of doing. Honestly, some quality feedback was received. So what I basically understood was that the genre and the idea for the overall movie were good, however, the way in which we planned to execute it might need tweaking.What my group and I thought of before I met with this "feedback group" was that we would have a flash forward to the scene where the action was happening (the action as in the kidnapping) and then bring it back to his regular life and introducing this character as someone who has OCD. My group and I had an understanding that this would all be presented through visuals and not directly stated. We want the viewers to figure it out for themselves by showing some of his tendencies and his routine.
The feedback that I received was that this might be too much for the beginning and I might have to commit to one or the other (flash forward or introduction of character). This makes sense because this is all conveyed in only a few minutes however, without providing a shocking scene at the beginning I fear that the audience might become uninterested or bored. Then I was provided with the interesting idea of setting it up after the action has occurred where this character is already in an uncomfortable situation. They gave me the example of setting it up in an insane asylum where the character has a plate of food and is meticulously pushing it around so it doesn't touch, or folding their clothes perfectly, and different little tendencies such as the ones previously stated in order to make it clear to the audience that the character has this issue.
Overall, I think my group and I need to straighten out the idea of the movie and its purpose before we go into planning the opening of the film. If this is not done it might be difficult because ideas such as the one of the insane asylum might be difficult to carry out since our original idea was him getting kidnapped, these two events would be hard to connect. I do think it is possible, however. I am excited to share what I learned with my group so we can tweak the issues that were brought up.
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